大温 陈辉金牌商业地产经纪。国,粤、英,一对一卓越服务。
诚信经营,多年专业生意买卖,物业买卖,土地买卖, 物业租赁服务等服务,祝您大展宏图!
联系人: FRANK CHEN, 陈辉
邮箱 : frankchenrealtor1@gmail.com
微信 : FrankChen128
电话 : 778-996-9988
地址 : 102-403 North Road, Coquitlam, BC, V3K3V9
专业一对一尽心服务,让您放心,省心。SUTTON PRESIDENT AWARD总统奖,2023大温地产局MEDALLION CLUB 金牌经纪奖,2023 SUTTON PLATINUM AWARD. 多谢多年的新老客户的大力支持,热忱希望为更多的客户提供服务。
My top professional value can assure customers to place trust and confidence with me. Frank has been recognized and awarded by SUTTON PRESIDENT AWARD, 2023 MEDALLION CLUB. 2023 SUTTON PLATINUM AWARD. I am extremely grateful and appreciative for all the belief and support towards me. I work even harder to deliver to our client's one-to-one professional services and strive for greater success!
Why chooses Frank?
I am committed and passionate to provide the best optimal suggestions and solutions to your specific needs in the pursuit of your business and investments.
Your success is my greatest achievement!