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丢失结婚戒子 Feb 24 (Lansdowne Rd Nr #3 Rd and Minoru)

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2018-02-26, 11:43
联系人 联系人: Patrica
邮箱 邮箱   : nicolee.liang@gmail.com
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电话 电话   : 6043541995


星期六下午时,我不小心丢失了我的结婚戒子。我应该在市中心社区警察局门 (Landsdowne, No3) 口的人行道丢失的。 戒子对我来说很重要,结婚了三十年没有离过手。 是一个金色的戒子有钻石碎片, 如果您找到我的戒子,请打电话给我, 会有奖励.


My wedding band flew off my hand as I was brushing snow off my
clothes. It fell into the snow on the sidewalk of Lansdowne Road,
between #3 Road and Minoru, next to the community police station on
Feburary 24th. It hadn't left my hand for 30 years.
Gold with some tiny chip diamonds.
Reward. Thank you.




Vansky Copyright

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