温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2020-07-13, 22:14
联系人 联系人: Sarah
微信 微信   : sarahchao11
电话 电话   : 6044015232


地址 地址   : 6971 Elmbridge way  



關於 專業的鋼琴課程以及Sarah 老師
Sarah 老師是在台灣出生,三歲時接觸鋼琴,啟蒙老師來自於日本,是採用日本鈴木音樂教學,Sarah老師對於音樂有非常大的熱誠,在初中開始進入專攻的音樂班學校直到大學,在這段期間參與了很多各大的音樂比賽,也獲得了優秀的成績。Sarah老師的教學經驗已超過13年,學生的年紀非常廣泛從5 歲到28歲,在大學期間特別進修了奧福音樂,在教導幼兒孩童時,特別會使用奧福教學法來教導,讓幼兒在跳舞,打擊,唱歌的自然環境下接觸音樂律動節奏,也會更容易與鋼琴連接。Sarah老師非常注重樂理的基礎概念,在她所有的鋼琴課程中,她會搭配樂理一起講解,這樣也比較能讓學生學習得更快。 在2013年,Sarah老師在台灣師範大學音樂系畢業以後,就移居到溫哥華到電影學校進修音效電影以及拉薩爾學院的錄音系,所以除了鋼琴之外,她還有錄音的技能
Sarah 主要教學:古典鋼琴/ 皇家音樂考級/現代鋼琴/流行音樂/樂理基礎/音樂歷史
教學地點:學生家裡/ 老師家裡/網路教學(特別疫情期間開放,讓大家在家裡安全以外,還可以享有網路的專業課程)
教學語言: 中文/英文/台語
About The Piano Academy & Sarah
Having played the piano since the age of three, Sarah has studied under a renowned Japanese master. She has played in Vienna and Prague in the Zhen Li orchestra, touring the world and coming second in the Taiwanese National Piano Competitions. Having gained a degree in Music Education and she taught at the Yamaha Music Education Center before starting her studies in Audio Recording at the LaSalle College Vancouver and Vancouver Film School.
She also teaches music theory and examination for The Royal Conservatory Of Music . She is very patient even though you don't have any experience for music. Sarah’s skill and passion will help you navigate your piano and musical journey
  • Languages: English and Mandarin
  • Flexible lesson locations. Lessons may be taught at my studio or the convenience of your own home.
  • Offering online piano lesson during Covid 19 pandemic.


****If you or your children are interested in our piano lessons, please contact me via 604-401-5232 or email me at sarahpianohouse@gmail.com

(I will offer extra 1 piano lesson if you let me know you see the ads on vansky site.)



Vansky Copyright

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