温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱

ECE basic 教科書(Sprott Shaw College)

(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2020-10-02, 13:47
联系人 联系人: Jenny W
邮箱 邮箱   : cq4530@gmail.com
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电话 电话   : 7786866403


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- Early childhood education & care in Canada 1st Ed $105

- Looking out looking In, 3rd $75

- Art & creative development for young children 8th Ed (Ebook$45)

- Guiding children’s social development and learning: Theory and skills, 9th Edition $75

- Child development $90

- Curriculum Development (Curriculum for young children 2nd Ed) $50

- Early childhood experience in language arts 11th Ed) $80

- Observing Young Children: Transformative Inquiry, Pedagogical Documentation, and Reflection (6th ed) $50

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Jenny W



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