出售: 兩塊緊鄰位於 Burnaby 中央公園南方 海景墓園 “Orchid Lane” 已全數售完的罕見立碑福地,風水地理位置良好,位於墓園內地勢高、清靜悠閒綠意盎然的區域,每塊福地上下層共可容納兩個棺木及兩個棺盒,或是四個棺盒,屬於目前市面上罕見的立碑福地,一手購入擁有,現有意轉讓此兩塊緊鄰的福地,兩塊福地以優惠價願一起出售,有意者請電或是 Text柯小姐 604-317-8514 (早上10點到下午兩點之間) 。交易會在墓園員工見證下進行以保障雙方。
For Sale: Two adjacent lots located in “Orchid Lane” inside Ocean View Burial Park in Burnaby just south of Central Park. Excellent location with a quiet and beautiful environment. Each lot has two levels – upper and lower, which could accommodate 2 caskets and 2 urns, or 4 urns in total. Upright markers & Monuments. Orchid Lane slots were completely sold out. Purchased and owned first-hand and now both lots are to be sold together at a discounted price. If interested, please call or text Ms. Ko at 604-317-8514 between 10 am and 2 pm. Transaction will be done under the witness of the Ocean view burial park staff to ensure peace of mind of the buyer and seller.
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