招聘 | |
公司名称: | Judith Charles; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 餐饮; |
工作时间: | 全职或兼职; |
详情描述 我們在尋找: - 良好團隊合作能力 - 對時尚充滿熱情,了解流行趨勢 - 善於溝通,並能建構長期客戶服務關係 - 認真負責,樂於學習 我們提供: - 專業培訓 - 激發潛力 - 有競爭力的薪水及福利 Official Website: www.judithandcharles.com Location: Kitslano 意者請將簡歷發送至: belle.jiang@judithandcharles.com
Judith & Charles has openings for a fabulous & fashionable both full-time and part-time sales positions in our beautiful Kitsilano location. Being one of Canada’s top womenswear label, serving a wide range of professional as well as women of leisure, we strive to offer extensive one-on-one client interaction to each of our customers ensuring they receive the best quality of client service. What we look for: Candidates with strong team building skills, well versed in the fashion/current trends scene, self-motivated, actively seeking a future in the retail industry or just have a love for styling and sales, multi-lingual skills an asset. Competitive salary and benefits, along with an excellent clothing package. If this sounds like a possible fit, please view www.judithandcharles.com Interested applicants can drop off resumes with our Management team at Kitsilano store and/or email to belle.jiang@judithandcharles.com Looking forward to meeting you! |
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