招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 普通话,英语; |
公司名称: | Richlink Technologies Inc; |
公司所在行业: | 网络 通信 电子 - 计算机 | 互联网 | 通信; |
公司规模: | 10 - 29 (人); |
职位类型: | 永久; |
工作时间: | 全职; |
详情描述 Richlink Technologies Inc. is a high-tech company which focusing on software development and block chain. We are looking for a highly motivated individual who have a can-do attitude, passion for technology, extensive development and will be able to learn quickly. Strong develop experience with IM, social media or block chain products. Senior frontend developer: 1 Senior APP developer (swift, android):2 Senior marketing: 2 salary based on experience. Simon You Phone: 6043589999 email: website: |
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