招聘 | |
公司名称: | Autoplan; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 餐饮; |
详情描述 南Surrey保险公司招聘有经验保险经纪,要求如下: Level 1 or 2 license 需有汽车保险知识与经验, 至少一年 ICBC Policy Center 操作经验。 丰富的客户服务经验, 能够按照任务优先等级快速完成工作。 需流利英语,懂普通话或粤语优先考虑,能够周六或周日工作。 转正后公司提供医疗保险福利+佣金。薪金根据经验面议。 有意向者请发英文简历到 General Insurance Level 1 or 2 with 1-year minimum experience with ICBC Policy Center. Ability to prioritize work. Excellent customer service. Details oriented. Fluent in English. Mandarin, or Cantonese speaking is an asset Salary based on experience. We offer extended benefits + commissions for your referral clients. Please send resume to |
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