招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 普通话,英语; |
公司名称: | Influent Group; |
公司所在行业: | 服务行业 - 政府 | 公用事业; |
公司规模: | 10 - 29 (人); |
职位类型: | 合同; |
工作时间: | 兼职; |
详情描述 公司介绍: Influent Group是一家具有丰富地产开发经验的领先公司,业务涵盖酒店房产及其他多元化地产项目。我们致力于在行业中追求卓越,不断创新与发展。期待志同道合的专业人士加入我们,共同开创更加辉煌的未来。
职位描述: 我们正在寻找一位有才华的财务专员,加入我们的团队,协助进行日常财务运作,确保公司财务数据的准确性和合规性。
主要职责: 准备和审核会计凭证,包括但不限于发票处理、费用报销等。 协助完成月度、季度和年度财务报表和预算执行报告。 监控日常现金流,管理账户余额。 确保财务操作符合公司政策及相关法规要求。 与其他部门合作,提供财务数据支持,参与财务决策过程。 为Influent Group公司准备和呈现内部财务报表 支持高级管理层进行战略规划和决策。
任职要求: 本科及以上学历,财务、会计或相关专业。 2年以上相关工作经验。 精通财务软件和MS Office,特别是Excel。 熟练掌握公司内部财务报表的编制和分析。 拥有良好的分析能力和问题解决能力。 良好的中英文书面和口头交流能力。 注重细节,具有高度的职业道德标准和责任心。
我们提供: 竞争性的薪酬和福利。 动态和创新的工作环境。 广阔的职业发展空间和学习机会。
申请方式: 请将您的简历发送至[],并请在邮件主题中注明“财务专员申请”。 我们期待有能力的您加入Influent Group,与我们一起开创美好未来!
Company Introduction: Influent Group is a leading company with extensive experience in real estate development, encompassing hotel properties and diverse real estate projects. We are committed to excellence in the industry, continuously innovating and developing. We look forward to like-minded professionals joining us to create a brighter future together. Job Description: We are looking for a talented Senior Accountant to join our team and assist in the daily financial operations, ensuring the accuracy and compliance of the company's financial data.
Main Responsibilities: Prepare and review accounting documents, including but not limited to invoice processing and expense reimbursements. Assist in completing monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements and budget execution reports. Monitor daily cash flow and manage account balances. Ensure financial operations comply with company policies and relevant regulations. Collaborate with other departments to provide financial data support and participate in the financial decision-making process. Prepare and present internal financial reports for Influent Group. Support senior management in strategic planning and decision-making. Job Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or higher in Finance, Accounting, or a related field. At least 2 years of relevant work experience. Proficient in financial software and MS Office, especially Excel. Skilled in the preparation and analysis of internal financial statements. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Good written and verbal communication skills in both Chinese and English. Detail-oriented with high professional ethics and responsibility.
We Offer: Competitive salary and benefits. Dynamic and innovative work environment. Broad career development opportunities and learning experiences.
Application Process: Please send your resume to [], and indicate "Application for Internal Accounting Manger" in the email subject. We look forward to capable individuals like you joining Influent Group, to forge a wonderful future together! |*t(]©1-)?-9-])[[99)-2*[.018_-v[ans[ky.c_())om
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