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Bilingual Play & Music Instructor

(Vansky Copyright)
更新时间: 2024-10-01, 09:56
联系人 联系人: Kristine
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Gymboree Play & Music 是全球领先的亲子互动游戏、音乐和艺术课程机构,适合新生儿至5岁的儿童。自2016年起,我们已庆祝了40年,为全美及全球的家庭带来游戏、音乐、艺术和学习!

40多年来,Gymboree Play & Music 一直致力于培养0-5岁儿童的创造力和自信。目前,我们在全球40个国家拥有超过700个分店,是早期儿童发展项目的全球领导者。我们的课程由专家设计,提供适龄活动,帮助孩子在玩乐中发展认知、身体和社交技能。我们的课程还以独特的家长参与方式著称,帮助家长参与并理解孩子的成长过程。



1. 课程安排

• 主导亲子互动活动,核心课程包括:
• Gymboree游戏课程:包括使用我们专为儿童设计的游戏设备进行适龄的游戏活动,还有歌曲、降落伞游戏和吹泡泡等活动。
• 音乐课程:包含乐器活动、唱歌、跳舞,并探索来自世界各地的多种音乐风格。音乐课程的候选人必须具备音乐背景。
• 艺术课程:提供动手操作为主的活动,包括绘画、雕塑、拼贴和角色扮演,以及与艺术主题相关的动作活动和歌曲。
• 学前技能课程:帮助儿童在没有家长陪伴的情况下,与同伴合作,体验课堂活动。
• 根据需求主持生日派对课程。
• 根据Gymboree的课程计划编写教案。

2. 销售与客户服务

• 负责了解并达成销售目标。
• 利用Gymboree的特色和优势,向新老客户提供信息,销售课程注册、商品、生日派对及特殊活动。
• 接听来电、拨打电话,接待并服务客户。
• 协助场外推广活动(如Gymboree零售店等)。

3. 运营管理

• 使用Booker在线数据库管理系统。
• 参加指定的员工会议和培训。
• 维护场地标准,包括但不限于:清洁、补货、商品定价以及协助设备调整。

注意:Gymboree Play & Music 提供所有必要的培训。


• 有与新生儿至5岁儿童工作经验者优先考虑。
• 具备优秀的团队领导能力。
• 具有销售经验。
• 良好的电脑技能。
• 良好的电话沟通能力。
• 以客户服务为导向。
• 团队合作精神强。
• 能够搬运至少20磅的物品,并移动游戏设备。
• 干净且专业的外表。
• 具备灵活性和适应性。
• 外向、热情、有创造力。
• 音乐课程需具备音乐背景,能准确唱出音调。
• 艺术和学前技能课程具有学前教育背景者优先。
• 语言要求:须能流利使用中英文。


• 兼职,需能在周六和周日工作。


• 培训期间起薪为每小时$20.00。
• 免费Gymboree Play & Music课程及Gymboree零售店折扣。

薪资范围:每小时$20.00 - $22.00。

注意:Gymboree Play & Music 提供所有必要的培训。




Gymboree Play & Music is the world’s leading parent-child interactive play, music, and arts program for children ages newborn to five years. In 2016, we celebrated 40 years of bringing play, music, arts, and learning to families across the United States and around the world!

For over 40 years, Gymboree Play & Music has been fostering creativity and confidence in children ages 0-5. With over 700 locations in 40 countries, we are the global leader in early childhood development programs. Our age-appropriate activities, designed by experts, help children develop cognitive, physical, and social skills through play. Our programs are also renowned for encouraging parent involvement, helping parents participate in and understand their child’s developmental journey.

For more information about our brand, please visit www.gymboreeclasses.com.


1. Programming

• Facilitate parent-child interactive activities. There are 3 core programs:
• Gymboree Play Classes: Age-appropriate play activities using our custom-designed play equipment, songs, parachute play, and bubbles.
• Music Classes: Involving instrument activities, singing, dancing, and exploring a variety of music styles from around the world. Candidates must have a music background to teach Gymboree Music classes.
• Art Classes: Hands-on, process-oriented activities including painting, sculpting, collage making, and dress-up, along with movement activities and songs that support the art themes being explored.
• School Skills Classes: Help children experience a classroom setting without parents, working collaboratively with peers.
• Teach birthday parties as needed.
• Plan lessons according to Gymboree’s curriculum.

2. Sales/Customer Service

• Be responsible for understanding and achieving sales goals.
• Use the features and benefits of Gymboree to provide information and sell class enrollments, merchandise, birthday parties, and special events to both new and existing customers.
• Answer incoming calls, make outbound calls, greet and assist customers.
• Assist with off-site grassroots events (e.g., Gymboree Retail Store).

3. Operations

• Work with Booker, our online database management system.
• Attend designated staff meetings and training sessions.
• Maintain site standards, including cleaning, stocking, pricing merchandise, and assisting with equipment setup and changes.

Note: Gymboree Play & Music provides all necessary training.

Key Skills and Traits

• Experience working with children from newborn to 5 years preferred.
• Strong group leadership skills.
• Sales experience.
• Good computer skills.
• Strong phone communication skills.
• Customer service-oriented.
• Team player.
• Ability to lift a minimum of 20 lbs. and move play equipment.
• Clean and professional appearance.
• Flexible and adaptable.
• Outgoing, enthusiastic, and creative.
• For Music classes, must have a background in music and be able to sing on pitch.
• For Art and School Skills classes, a background in preschool education is helpful.
• Language requirement: Must be fluent in both English and Chinese.


• Part-time. Saturday and Sunday availability required.


• Training starting pay is $20.00/hour.
• Free Gymboree Play & Music classes and discounts at Gymboree Retail Stores.

Salary Range: $20.00 - $22.00 per hour.

Note: Gymboree Play & Music provides all necessary training.


Interested candidates, please send your resume to: richmondbc@gymboreeclasses.com.





Vansky Copyright

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