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niversity of Calgary(卡尔加里大学) 正式被中国教育部除名。这就意味着获得卡尔加里大学学位的中国留学生回国后无法获得教育部颁发的海外学位认证。 消息来源---温哥华太阳报。 原文如下: The Chinese government has removed the University of Calgary from its list of accredited institutions — a move school officials are concerned is connected to the Dalai Lama's visit last fall The university hosted the Tibetan spiritual leader and awarded him an honourary degree when he visited the city in September. In December, officials were made aware the Chinese government had removed the university from a list posted on the Ministry of Education's website. Now the university is trying to see what impact that will have on Chinese nationals who have already obtained a degree or are working toward one at the institution. "Our biggest concern is we don't want to disadvantage current or prospective students or our alumni," university spokeswoman Colleen Turner said Wednesday. The Chinese government has made no official communication to the university indicating what it has done or why. The university learned of the move late last year after an employee in the international student centre and a handful of students raised the issue. They did not indicate to the university how they heard about the move, Turner said. While there has been no confirmation the sanction is a result of the university's involvement in the Dalai Lama's visit, Turner said the university is concerned there is a link. A spokeswoman with the Chinese consulate in Calgary would not respond to questions about why the government removed the university's name, saying only cryptically that the U of C "should know." The Herald has learned officials from the Chinese consulate in Calgary met with university representatives in April when they outlined they did not want the Dalai Lama on the campus and they were against him being awarded an honorary degree. The spiritual leader did not go to the campus, but was given an honorary doctor of laws at the start of the two-day conference on Sept. 30. He has been awarded more than 25 honorary degrees from institutions around the world, including the University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University and University of Toronto and others in the U.S., Italy, Australia and Germany. "We knew at the time the decision to bring in the Dalai Lama would not be without controversy. All of that said, the decision to bring in the Dalai Lama was not intended to dishonour or disvalue our relationship with our Chinese partners or the Chinese community," Turner said. The university currently has about 600 students from mainland China and Hong Kong.
600多留学生,1年学费2万,就是UoA1000多万的收入啊\ 这下他们自己要检讨了
先说一下,我反对藏独,更讨厌达赖。但是我对这件事的看法是: 中国政府就喜欢在这些小地方欺负别人,没劲。 能把大学除名的唯一理由是教育质量,而不是政治斗争,搞得和文化大革命一样的。 最后苦了谁?还不是苦了那些在读和准备去读的中国学生?
[quote]引用第3楼星泪于2010-02-08 09:30发表的  : 先说一下,我反对藏独,更讨厌达赖。但是我对这件事的看法是: 中国政府就喜欢在这些小地方欺负别人,没劲。 能把大学除名的唯一理由是教育质量,而不是政治斗争,搞得和文化大革命一样的。 最后苦了谁?还不是苦了那些在读和准备去读的中国学生?[/quote] 用政治控制经济不是老美的做法??能够给恐怖分子发博士学位的学习教学质量能好拿去 如果UBC 给本拉登发荣誉博士学位,估计加拿大都要被美国轰平了
[quote]引用第4楼versace于2010-02-08 09:48发表的  : 用政治控制经济不是老美的做法??能够给恐怖分子发博士学位的学习教学质量能好拿去 如果UBC 给本拉登发荣誉博士学位,估计加拿大都要被美国轰平了[/quote] 大家都用政治控制经济,可咱们现在讨论的这个是在用政治控制经济吗?你懂经济吗?无故把一所大学除名跟经济哪里沾边了? 给人发个荣誉学位是学校对这个人在某个领域的做法表示赏识,等于就是发个奖状,跟人家学校教授们的教学质量有什么关系? 本拉登是恐怖分子是事实。可达赖绝对不是恐怖分子,他具体是什么我不想在这里说,免得被粪青们喷,自己上网上查查吧。总得来说你用拉登和达赖比,显得你很无知。
[quote]引用第5楼星泪于2010-02-11 10:38发表的  : 大家都用政治控制经济,可咱们现在讨论的这个是在用政治控制经济吗?你懂经济吗?无故把一所大学除名跟经济哪里沾边了? 给人发个荣誉学位是学校对这个人在某个领域的做法表示赏识,等于就是发个奖状,跟人家学校教授们的教学质量有什么关系? 本拉登是恐怖分子是事实。可达赖绝对不是恐怖分子,他具体是什么我不想在这里说,免得被粪青们喷,自己上网上查查吧。总得来说你用拉登和达赖比,显得你很无知。[/quote] 立场不同 我不觉得伊拉克的公民认为美国军队是为和平而去的 也不觉得金晶会认为抢火炬的人是为了和平的 如果西藏的公民用的不是中国护照,那就没有分裂中国一说 我想知道做为领袖,达赖喇嘛用的哪国护照?如果是拥有中国护照并且怂恿西藏分裂,那就是叛国罪 如果不是用中国护照,凭什么干涉内政?
中国的实力到今天也只能欺软怕硬。。。这是事实 不过对于真正的人才来说,就算在外面也能混得不错,而且积累了工作经验以后再回国也可以,到时候学习经历就没那么重要了。。。 [s:204]
觉得太过分了点. 给人感觉中国人真小气....不就一个喇嘛么==他能怎样啊==
晕倒,上个月我差一点就报名了 ,危险。。
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