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future shop买东西可以讲价吗? 

future shop买东西可以讲价吗?

FS卖游戏机没利润,主机上讲不了价的。除非是个OPEN BOX,这种情况下可以让他们送个WARRANTY之类的
讲价。。我还第一次听说在futureshop 能讲价的。。
一般都是去做price match,Futureshop店里很多店员都让我觉得喜欢骗人。

回 9楼(rabbittan) 的帖子

就是说如果能找到别的店卖得比Futureshop更便宜的,你可以去FS的Customer Service那里要求FS给你相同的价钱,而且他们会多退给你差价的10%。这个类似的政策很多大店如Bestbuy和Staples都有。 Futureshop的网站上是这么写的: [url]http://www.futureshop.ca/en-ca/help/our-retail-store-policies/hc8077.aspx[/url] Our Lowest Price Guarantee Get it for less. Guaranteed™. We will beat any advertised price by 10% of the difference. 3 great reasons to buy at Future Shop.       1) If you find a lower advertised price we will beat it by 10% of the difference.       2) If you find a lower advertised price within 30 days* of your purchase we       will beat it by 10% of the difference.       3) If our own price is reduced within 30 days* of your purchase, bring in your       receipt and we will refund the difference. * 14 days for computers, laptops, monitors, printers, camcorders, digital cameras, cellular and wireless devices, portable DVD players, radar detectors, projectors and air conditioners. Here’s how it works. If you are purchasing today:     * Present us with a copy of the competitor’s current ad.     * Our associates will verify that the item is in stock and available for       immediate sale and delivery at the advertised price.     * We will beat the competitor’s price by 10% of the difference.     * If you purchase the item from futureshop.ca and there is no Future Shop in your area you can contact us at 1-800-663-2275 or by email at [email]websupportcan@futureshop.com[/email]        If you made your purchase in the last 30 days*:     * Present us with a copy of the competitor’s current ad and your original invoice.     * Our associates will verify that the item is in stock and available for       immediate sale and delivery at the advertised price.     * We will refund you the difference and give you an additional 10%       of that difference.     * If you purchase the item from futureshop.ca and there is no Future Shop in your area you can contact us at 1-800-663-2275 or by email at [email]websupportcan@futureshop.com[/email] If our own price is reduced in the last 30 days*:     * Present us with a copy of our original invoice.     * We will refund you the difference between the purchase price and the current price. * 14 days for computers, laptops, monitors, printers, camcorders, digital cameras, cellular and wireless devices, portable dvd players, radar detectors, projectors and air conditioners Here are a few terms and conditions. The advertised item must be for the same brand and model and the product must be new and factory sealed, and subject to a manufacturer’s warranty applicable in Canada. Advertised prices must be in Canadian dollars, and will be calculated as including all charges applicable for next day delivery to your home address. The advertised item must be sold through an authorized dealer located in Canada. The terms and conditions of “Get it for less, guaranteed™” are subject to change without notice. Our lowest price guarantee does not apply to advertising errors or misprints, special educational prices, restricted offers, mail order offers, rebates, coupons, premiums, free or bonus offers, OEM products, limited or minimum quantity or limited time offers, close-outs, liquidations, clearances, financing or other special offers. If you are not completely satisfied, please talk to our store General Manager. If you need more help call 1-800-663-2275 for further assistance.
= =FS如果买电脑的话如果你有买保修的话是可以有折扣的,一般来说你只要讲下都有至少50块的空间。要是够牛比的话可以讲到100啊甚至150。。。 同时电脑和买显卡硬盘什么的话,假设你有付那79的系统安装费,可以要求他们免费安装硬件= =你要换的多的话还是有值的- -我前两个星期才在FS买的电脑,电脑1035T原价849讲到799,索泰GTX460原220讲到199,500W电源74讲到50块,算一算还是有点值得吧。。。。。就是保修179亏了点= =不过一两个月就去清次灰,爽死他们 游戏一般都是死价的。主机的话至少有20块折扣的。。。。。。以1年前买的XBOX论,当时就削掉20块了 PRICE MATCH的话FS很多专有机型的,有时候还不好MATCH= = 在FS讲价主要是要在家做好功课,装专业点,其实那边的SALES有的都没什么水平的,装高深点把他们虎住就可以讲了。我之前就随便扯两句网上看的就讲价了,其实我也是个小白。。。去到那边买东西找经理,经理给的折扣额度最大的。当然主要是脸皮要够厚。
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