Making money is the key & doing it at home in Vancouver
[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]Hello to all members of automated forex trading. My name is Sunny Wong and I just stepped up to be the new organizer of this group. I am involved with the fx market as well as options and equities. My expertise is not automation, but in neutral trading. I am the originator of my way of trading and have made surprising goals.......Investing is dead, trading at home as a business is what brings me $500 + per day. Took my account from 30K to 300K in 30 months. All levels of entrepreneurs, traders and making money at home persons are welcome. I would like to encourage any one that works at home, making money and you are welcome self promote to others in the group, so bring your business cards.[/color][/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]The world is filled with limitless opportunities for wealth creation. Making money from the markets levels the playing field if you have limited education and limited cash flow. I just have high school education and my background is in construction. I am nearing senior status, but I am now flying with the eagles. I make more money now than I ever did in my younger years. [/color][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]In a nut shell, I call my way of tradingl "Neutral Trading". What it is, I buy to profit when the price goes up and I sell (short) to profit when the price goes down both at the same time. Also, I place insurance on both positions as a hedge , through options. By doing this I will have 3 winners to 1 loser. [/color][/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]NOTE; I just recently took over this meetup and i am not very good at editing tis site. So still fumbling trying to learn how to edit. If you need more info email me direct or give me a phone call. I will schedule next meetup at my home, if weather permits it will be a traders bbq again. As the last one, which every body enjoyed. there There were 40 attendees which were my students and their friends. 40 was a bit much, so the next bbq meet up will be held when i have 10 people interested, every body who is interested in stocks as a business and making money in general are welcome. [/color][/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]If you want to watch me trade and want a special one on one talk , contact me.[/color][/font][/size]
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[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]my email: [][color=#468357][/color][/email][/color][/font][/size]
[size=4][font=verdana][color=#333333]604 800 2839[/color][/font][/size]