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我是去年6月16号从温哥华寄出的申请,之后CIC网页上显示如下的进度: We received your application for a permanent resident card on June 21, 2010. We started processing your application on January 6, 2011. Your request for a permanent resident card was approved on January 6, 2011. You will be notified by mail within four weeks and invited to pick up your card at the CIC office closest to you. You have received your permanent resident card on March 8, 2011. 等了两个月我一直没有be notified by mail within four weeks and invited to pick up ,所以自己拿着旧枫叶卡及护照去取卡中心跟他们直接取了。 也够我等的[s:210][s:208]

回 3楼(右眼皮老跳) 的帖子

[s:201] 謝謝[s:201]

回 3楼(右眼皮老跳) 的帖子

We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 4, 2011. We started processing your application on April 4, 2011.   Your request for a permanent resident card was approved on April 4, 2011. You will be notified by mail within four weeks and invited to pick up your card at the CIC office closest to you. [s:200] 我的就是这样地!
马上就一个月了,怎么还收不到邮件通知!!![s:183][s:183][s:183] We received your application for a permanent resident card on February 7, 2011. We started processing your application on February 7, 2011. Your request for a permanent resident card was approved on March 31, 2011. You will be notified by mail within four weeks and invited to pick up your card at the CIC office closest to you.

回 7楼(绿茶瓶子) 的帖子

试下自己拿着护照和登陆纸等证件去取证中心问吧。也不知是加拿大邮局的问题还是CIC的问题,再等一个月信件也不一定能收到的。 [s:179]
我的也是说的是4个星期会收到信件,但我足足等了两个月也没有收到。最后我担心有邮寄失误,打电话去问讯。他们核对资料后,说会在一个星期内收到信件。最后我终于拿到通知取卡的信函。个人认为如果等待太久的,应该打电话去闻讯一下会比较有底。 电话:1-888-242-2100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[s:277] [s:277] [s:277] [s:277] [s:277] [s:277] [s:277]
[s:198]  [s:198]  [s:198] 我也在等啊
一月15号寄申请表格5月21号收到信通知6月6号取卡。[s:204] [s:204] [s:204]
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