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[post]父母探亲签证---给移民官的信的模板~ 分享ing[s:200] Letter to visa officer Dear Visa Officer,   My name is —————— and I was born on —————— in China. My son, ———————— is now going to study ————————in Canada. I am proud of him being accepted this famous University, but sad for our separation in the future. Therefore, as a mother, I sincerely want to participate for the opening ceremony of my son’s first day in _______ University.       I have promised to my son in his high school to accompany him to participate in the opening ceremony of his further education. My son is a promising boy who has his mission and purpose in his life. I am sure he will go anywhere he wants with style and I hope to be there when he receives his accolade of accomplishment in the future.        After consideration of my son’s identity of overseas student, the company approves me of a one-month vacation to visit my son abroad. After the short-term authorized stay in Canada, I will return to China to continue with my beloved career, which is promised in the “In-service and Income Certificate and Permitting Holidays Letter” signed by the director of our HR department. Besides, my husband and I are responsible for our own families and I would definitely come back to China to take care of our dear parents.   I am applying for the visitor visa from August 05,2010 to Sep 05, 2010. Please kindly approve my application in consideration of our hardship for long-term separation in the future, my love and expectation to witness the accomplishment of my son. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.   Best wishes! Sincerely Yours, [/post]
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nice!~ let's see see
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thanks for all this information
不知道从递申请,到拿到签证,大约需要多少时间? 谢谢楼主的信息
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