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宝贝!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 有没有思念我? 我可想念你啦~ 俺的小小宫女~~~
[quote][b]下面是引用sapper于2006-01-24 01:38发表的:[/b] night time to go there?????? i thought your party are at night, right????[/quote] and....I don't know where is 沙堡~can u drive me there?
[quote][b]下面是引用angelsmi1e于2006-01-24 07:20发表的:[/b] 宝贝!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 有没有思念我? 我可想念你啦~ 俺的小小宫女~~~[/quote] where have u been all these days a??? of course , I miss u a !!!!!!! [s:14]
[quote][b]下面是引用will-alive于2006-01-24 04:58发表的:[/b] ........ richmond 范围内的参加 ~ 唱歌喝酒一起行吗...? ![/quote] will-alive & snooper!! anyone who wants to join is OK!!! JUST REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE~ THAT'S IT!! IF U DON'T LIKE ANY PART OF THEM, U CAN JUST CHOOSE THE ONE U LIKE !! IT IS VERY FLEXIBLE~ [s:22]
[size=6]anyone who still feels comfuse but really want to come can ask me for cell phone number, I can talk to u directly~ [/size]
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-24 13:14发表的:[/b] and....I don't know where is 沙堡~can u drive me there?[/quote] ok... how many ppl will go with u anyways???? & where do u live??????????????????????? what time????????
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-24 13:14发表的:[/b] and....I don't know where is 沙堡~can u drive me there?[/quote] contact me la.. [email]pac115s@hotmail.com[/email]
what can i do
-_-!! 848... 又是沙堡和k fever... 都快成保留节目了诶...
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-24 13:18发表的:[/b] [size=6]anyone who still feels comfuse but really want to come can ask me for cell phone number, I can talk to u directly~ [/size][/quote] How many people will come? Me and my friend want to join too ! Can you give me more information, Please!
[quote][b]下面是引用ashlee于2006-01-24 13:18发表的:[/b] [size=6]anyone who still feels comfuse but really want to come can ask me for cell phone number, I can talk to u directly~ [/size][/quote] Please send it to [email]simonchoy0127@hotmail.com[/email] Thanks also I can drive you there too if you need !
i wanna ride ride ride
真多人住係New West...hahahah 但從來未見過中國人呢。。神奇﹗
haha...i mean i never see chinese in new west,,,maybe 1 or 2 korean only....
哎。。。。我想死呀~~ 全部一起回复!!!!! 我不是住在NEW WEST,我住在COQ,因为考虑到太乡下根本没有人会来接我,所以 选了NEW WEST~ 干脆想搭顺路车的都在NEW WEST的SKYTRAIN集合,然后一车过去~ 谁要搭车的就说一声~
[quote][b]下面是引用snooker于2006-01-24 18:49发表的:[/b] How many people will come? Me and my friend want to join too ! Can you give me more information, Please![/quote] 我不知道呀~ 都说要去就去咯~
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