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[quote]引用第40楼eddeng于2010-04-04 15:02发表的  : Sex is something you enjoy, not something you "give". It is not a privilege, and it is not a tool for other narrow minded personal agenda. Here is a funny paradox: 1,How can you know if a sex deprived man truly loves you or not? He might love you for the sex and he might also be truly confused because of the burning desire in his heart. Sex deprived men tend to be needy, insecure, inpatient, and anything but cool and elegant, and ladies often find them unattractive. Conclusion: it is best not to date a sex deprived man. .......[/quote] i got a headache[s:205] last sentence is the key i think[s:204]
[quote]引用第40楼eddeng于2010-04-04 15:02发表的  : Sex is something you enjoy, not something you "give". It is not a privilege, and it is not a tool for other narrow minded personal agenda. Here is a funny paradox: 1,How can you know if a sex deprived man truly loves you or not? He might love you for the sex and he might also be truly confused because of the burning desire in his heart. Sex deprived men tend to be needy, insecure, inpatient, and anything but cool and elegant, and ladies often find them unattractive. Conclusion: it is best not to date a sex deprived man. .......[/quote] the way i see it is that this chick wants to bitch about how all men r pigs and u want to demonstrate that men r rational pigs with well-thought ideas however, ur point is much more impressive and btw, im not an advocator for "constitution freedom" per se, but i come to understand sometimes some ppl just cant handle the flowing hormones
i like your point. talking love the important point is together. and sharing life with each other.  sorry  ubc library computer only have English.  so i can not type Chinese in the library.  hope to chat with you. [email]justinguangli@gmail.com[/email]
ls思想太肮脏了。。。 不过我喜欢。。。 ------------------------------------- 正经的,世界上各种人都有,女的还有分闷骚还外骚等几种呢。。。别说男人怎么怎么的。。
[quote]引用第47楼juicygirl于2010-04-05 14:24发表的  : 悲剧了。这帖都讨论成这样了。没有存在的意义了。。 我和偶家的亲爱的春天一日游回来了。。。好开心啊,,~~~[/quote] 。。。。。。。。这时候都不忘上网。。。。佩服阿。。 这个铁子开的时候麽就可以想象到结果了呀[s:205]
LS的再次鄙视 [s:246]  [s:246]  [s:246] 后面那句话不懂。。。(说的是人话么) 请问我跟您熟么。。???
[quote]引用第49楼juicygirl于2010-04-05 17:29发表的  : LS的再次鄙视 [s:246]  [s:246]  [s:246] 后面那句话不懂。。。(说的是人话么) 请问我跟您熟么。。???[/quote] 话说的确好像不熟阿,那么自动消失。。。。。[s:203]
恭喜恭喜  [s:220]
嘻嘻.谢谢LS的. [s:232]  [s:220]
既然 喜欢人家 就追啊..现在 不早点追 过几天 变成人家的 就惨了..
[s:205][quote]引用第60楼为了遇见你于2010-04-05 22:03发表的  : 既然 喜欢人家 就追啊..现在 不早点追 过几天 变成人家的 就惨了..[/quote] [s:205]。。。哦。
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