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买iphone4.商店裸机。Micro card 咋办 

买iphone4.商店裸机。Micro card 咋办

[size=5]弱弱地问:不签约的。。。。。。。。。。买了iphone4。。。。我卡是fido的。。。咋给他改成小卡啊。。难道要重新申请个卡??求赐教!!!!!!![/size][s:198]做等白色出世!!!!`~~~~~~~咋论坛都卖850···apple store似乎没这么贵的 16G。···
[s:198] 啊。。。。买个卡要不要换号码或者别的,交10CAD卡费我也认了。。。要换号码我可不干。。。。要不然我要从国内带个剪卡器过来了   望回答!!!!!!!
放心啦 不可能换号码的啦 直接向他们要就行了 好像会寄到家里面 你可以去店里面问问
[s:205] Really,  但我不是签约机啊。。。。。。。。。。。。。直接苹果店买,NO PLAN·· [s:179]  how to get micro card 。。。。我墨迹了
The micro-SIM card for iPhone 4 The iPhone 4 uses a micro-SIM specific to the iPhone 4. There is no charge for this micro-SIM; it will be given to you at purchase along with your iPhone 4. The SIM you may be using in your current phone, smartphone or iPhone is not compatible with your iPhone 4. If you are an existing Fido customer and purchase an iPhone 4 , you will need to transfer your Fido phone number from your current SIM card to your iPhone 4 micro-SIM card. When you purchase your iPhone, the in-store salesperson will be able to help you to make this transfer. If for some reason your salesperson was unable to help you to transfer your phone number in-store, simply sign into your online Fido My Account. Once signed in, select Change SIM Card, then enter your old SIM card number and your new micro-SIM card number for iPhone 4, and select Change. Your new micro-SIM will now be active. 签约机下面如此写
那从apple.com网上买的iphone怎么去弄micro sim card? 拿着收据去当地applestore么?
我哭了,问题是我这SIM卡要在诺基亚和iphone4中换来换去的。SO  I NEED GET TO SIM CARDS。。。。。。。。。。1 micro card  1 regular card
啊!!!!!!!!!谁用过iphone4  赶紧来解答~[s:206]

回 8楼(大温农村) 的帖子

没事的,先剪卡,到你用其他sim card的机器的时候,用个还原卡,就行了。

回 10楼(小甜瓜) 的帖子

剪卡器我从国内带的,把你的卡往里面一放,然后按一下,就变成micro card 了,还原卡就是跟sim card 一样大小的假卡,但是中间会空出来一块和micro card 一样大小的位置,你把4的卡那个位置,再放进其它手机里,就可以了。明白吗?

卖 9.9新的 iphone 4

帮一个好朋友卖一部用了 几天的 iphone 4 16G。没有任损害,正反面都贴着膜。 暂时只能是fido公司用,低价700元卖。 qq:263531631
Very troublesome for something real simple, not to mention you need a pin to pop out the SIM card tray as well

回 13楼(小甜瓜) 的帖子

哈哈,。。。。噶温哥华哪里有这2样东西凹。。。  我搜了下淘宝 两个东西50+左右[s:204]  哎  目前还没有诚心决定买····等哪天我需要了 在温哥华不知道买的到不[s:198][s:198][s:198]

回 17楼(小甜瓜) 的帖子

我哭了 难道在温哥华买iphone4的人都无处剪卡吗???[s:198][s:198]

回 18楼(大温农村) 的帖子


回 19楼(小甜瓜) 的帖子

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