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猪排骨 500g
芋头 400g
辣椒 1 个
盐 5g
糖 5g
生抽 15ml
黑豆豉 15g
蒜 泥 4 瓣
油 30ml
蚝油 10ml
厨用酒 15ml

1. 清洗排骨并在水中浸泡15分钟,沥干水分,用厨房纸擦干排骨
2. 腌制排骨:在排骨中加入盐5g,糖5g,生抽15ml,黑豆豉15g,蒜泥4瓣,油30ml,蚝油10ml,拌匀后放入冰箱至少30分钟
3. 切好芋头和辣椒
4. 把芋头放入碗底,然后铺上腌制的排骨,加上厨用酒15ml
5. 水煮沸后,蒸45分钟到1小时至排骨和芋头软烂,以辣椒点缀


1. 排骨至少要腌制30分钟,为了更好的口感应腌制3小时左右
2. 蒸的时间比较长,锅内需加足够量的水
3. 芋头可以引起皮肤瘙痒,应戴手套
4. 把排骨水分擦干可达到更好的腌制效果


pork ribs 500g
taro 400g
jalapeno pepper 1
salt 1 teaspoon
sugar 1 teaspoon
light soy sauce 1 tablespoon
fermented black beans 1 tablespoon
minced garlic 4 cloves
oil 2 tablespoon
oyster flavoured sauce 2 teaspoon
shaoxing cooking wine 1 tablespoon


1. wash the pork ribs, and soak in water for 15mins, drain the water and dry with kitchen paper towel
2. marinate the pork ribs: combine the pork ribs with 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of fermented black beans, 4 cloves of minced garlic, 2 tablespoon of oil, 2 teaspoon of oyster flavoured sauce, mix all of the ingredients into the pork ribs, keep in fridge for at least 30mins
3. cut the taro and jalapeno pepper
4. lay the taro at the bottom of a bowl and the pork ribs on top, add 1 tablespoon of shaoxing cooking wine
5. bring a pot of water to a boil and steam for 45mins to 1 hour until the pork ribs and taro are tender, garnish with slices of jalapeno pepper
6. ready to serve

Cooking tips:

1. marinate the pork ribs for at least 30mins, for better taste to extend the process to 3 hours
2. have enough water in the pot for the long steaming process
3. dry the pork ribs with kitchen paper towel before marination process, so all the marinating ingredients can coat the pork ribs well
4. taro can cause itchy skin, need to wear gloves to handle

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发布者: 游客