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一夜无眠的刘风昏昏沉沉的跟着Julia走进公共食堂吃早饭。早已坐在长桌旁的Peter注意到了他无精打采的样子,一边喝着咖啡一边盯着他说道:How is your last night, young man?(年轻人,你昨晚过的怎么样?)


刘风一口气喝光了一杯牛奶道:I am fine, Peter. Thank you for your hosting.(我很好,彼得。谢谢你的招待。)

Peter道:Do not thank me. It is human’s duty to help each other.(不用谢我。人类应该互相帮助。)

刘风摇头道:Unfortunately ,not everybody has the same opinion. Humans are selfish. Otherwise ,there won’t be fighting between people and people ,country and country.(不幸的是,不是所有的人都这么想的。人类是自私的。否则,人和人之间,国家和国家之间,就不会有那么多争斗和战争了。)

Peter道:Some people lost their brain and are used by shameless politicians. Some people lost their heart and do not know what is the most important in their lives.(一些人没有脑子,被无耻的政客所利用。一些人没有灵魂,不知道在他们的生命力什么是最重要的。)

刘风问道:What is the most important in people’s lives then? (那么在人们的生命里什么是最重要的。)

Peter捋了捋白胡子眯起了眼睛道:Love and peace.(爱与和平。)

刘风道:I think freedom is the most important.(我觉得自由才是最重要的。)

Peter看着他道:Freedom is not free, young man. Are you willing to pay for it? And will you be really happy when you get the freedom you want? (自由是要付出代价的,年轻人。你会为了自由而付出吗?而当你得到你想要的自由后,你会真的开心吗?)


Peter继续道:You do not need to answer me right now. I just hope you keep that question in your mind. Now tell me, what your plan is if you got any.(你不需要现在就回答我。我只是希望你在心里记住这个问题。现在,告诉我,你是否有了一个计划。)

听了这话,刘风的眼神变的严峻起来道:I need to finish something that I must do. I could need some help from you.(我需要完成我必须要做的事。我需要你的一些帮助。)

Peter像是早就料到了,端起咖啡又喝了一口,漫不经心似的问道:Yeah, what is that?(嗯,那是什么?)

刘风看了看Peter,小心翼翼的问道:I am wondering if you have any detonator?(不知道你是否有一些雷管吗?)

未等Peter答话,旁边的Julia插嘴道:Yeah we have. My brother used to use it to explore somewhere in the mountain. He always dreamed of finding a gold mine.(是的,我们有。我哥哥经常用它在山里探索,他总是幻想能找到一个金矿。)说着,Julia笑了起来。

Peter不满的瞪了Julia一眼,继而盯着刘风道:What do you want it for? (你要雷管做什么?)

刘风笑了笑道:Do not worry. I won’t use it for finding a gold mine.(别担心。我不会用它去找一个金矿。)

Peter没有说话,只是死死盯着刘风的眼睛。过了一会儿,他叹了口气对Julia道:Get it for him.(给他吧。)





Julia看着他道:Are you sure you are ok? (你确定没问题吗?)

刘风道:Yeah I am ok. Thank you for your help, Julia. Please say goodbye to Peter for me.(是的我没问题。谢谢你的帮助,朱丽叶。请替我向彼得道别。)

Julia道:Why don’t you stay with us until this turmoil passes? You will be safe here.(你为什么不和我们在一起直到这场动乱过去?你在这里会很安全。)

刘风苦笑着道:Your village won’t be safe if I stay here. Furthermore, there is still one thing I must do for my friend.(如果我待在这里,你们的村庄就不会安全。而且,我必须为我的朋友做一件事。)说到这里,他脸上的笑容消失了,眼睛里射出一道寒光。

Julia耸了耸肩道:Alright. You guys always say so. Good luck, Feng.(好吧。你们男人总是这么说。祝你好运,风。)






Peter瞪了她一眼,哼了一声道:That is my best boots.(那是我最好的靴子。)

Julia一吐舌头,嘿嘿笑道:Only your size is the same as his.(只有你的尺寸和他的一样。)

说着,Julia站到Peter身旁,和他一起看着刘风的车离去的方向,问道:Do you think he will come back? (你觉得他会回来吗?)

Peter摇了摇头沉声道:I am afraid you won’t see him anymore.(恐怕你不会再见到他了。)

Julia瞪大了眼睛道:But he promised me he will return your boots back.(但是他保证他会把你的靴子还回来的。)



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发布者: 游客