温哥华生意买卖 地产经纪 赵信德 Frank Chen 天空视频 女神的衣橱


(Vansky Copyright)
发布时间: 2022-01-11, 18:40
联系人 联系人: RMC
邮箱 邮箱   : info@royalmetro.ca
微信 微信   :
电话 电话   : 6044922005


地址 地址   : 403 North Rd., 203  


Job Description

Job Responsibilities

  • Greet visitors, answer incoming calls and prepare internal and external correspondence.
  • Take calls from customers and schedule appointments.
  • Coordinate office activities and operations to secure efficiency and compliance to company policies.
  • Supervise administrative staff and divide responsibilities to ensure performance.
  • Create student documents such as transcripts and credentials for students.
  • Complete student enrolment and arrange the schedule
  • Coordinate and plan for office services, such as supplies, forms, disposal of assets, parking, maintenance and security services.
  • Conduct analyses and oversee administrative operations related to budgeting, contracting and project planning and management processes.
  • Prepare periodic reports and manuals to keep management informed.
  • Contribute to team efforts by accomplishing related results as needed.
  • Other tasks as required for the administration or directed by school directors.
  • The employee agrees to be employed on the terms and conditions set out in this agreement. The employee agrees to be subject to the general supervision and act pursuant to the orders, advice and direction of the employer.


  • Minimum two years experience in Customer Service Representative/Office. Administration
  • Minimum grade 12 education.
  • Mandarin is required.
  • Strong proficiency with MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills.
  • Able to work alone or in a team.
  • Strong analytical, problem-solving and decision-making capabilities

Job Types: Full-time, Permanent/Part-time

Salary will be discussed in the interview.



  • 迎接访客、接听电话并准备内部和外部信件。
  • 接听客户的电话并安排预约。
  • 协调办公室活动和运营以确保效率和遵守公司政策。
  • 监督行政人员并划分职责以确保绩效。
  • 为学生创建学生文件,例如成绩单和证书。
  • 完成学生注册和安排时间表。
  • 协调和规划办公服务,例如用品、表格、资产处置、停车、维护和安全服务。
  • 进行并监督与预算、合同、项目规划和管理过程相关的行政操作。
  • 准备定期报告和手册以让管理层了解情况。
  • 根据需要完成相关成果,为团队努力做出贡献。
  • 完成行政要求或学校领导指示的其他任务。
  • 员工同意按照本协议中规定的条款和条件受雇。雇员同意接受雇主的一般监督并按照雇主的命令、建议和指示行事。


  • 至少两年的客户服务代表或办公室管理经验。
  • 最低12年级教育学历。
  • 会讲国语。
  • 熟练使用Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)。
  • 优秀的口头和书面沟通能力。
  • 出色的组织和人际交往能力。
  • 能够独立或在团队中工作。
  • 强大的分析和问题解决和决策能力





Vansky Copyright

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