UBC和Arthritis Research Canada正在共同研究一个物理治疗/康复训练(Physical Therapy)的项目,名字叫SOAR (Stop OsteoARthritis),针对之前膝盖有过严重受伤的朋友(筋,骨,韧带等)。具体项目内容请看这里:https://www.arthritisresearch.ca/research/stop-osteoarthritis-soar/
Eligibility Criteria:
1. Age between 16 - 35 years.
2. Currently live in Great Vacouver, BC area.
3. Had an injury to the knee at least 1 year ago, but no more than 4 years ago.
4. Currently not receiving any regular care for the knee.
5. Speak English.
The SOAR program consists of:
1. A one-time 2-hour Knee Camp (online with Zoom)
2. Weekly 1:1 physiotherapy counselling sessions (online with Zoom)
3. 8 or 16-week individualized home-based exercise and physical activity program
4. Home-based exercise and physical activity-tracking (Fitbit)
5. Optional weekly group physiotherapy exercise class (online with Zoom)
6. 3 times in-person knee strength testing and body composition measurement (UBC Hospital)
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