招聘 | |
公司名称: | 加诚国际; |
公司所在行业: | 法律 移民 留学 - 移民 | 留学; |
工作时间: | 兼职; |
详情描述 【加诚国际教育温哥华】高薪诚聘兼职part-time老师: 高中英语老师(线上教学) 岗位职责及任职要求: 有意者请发简历至vancouver@can-achieve.com邮箱,加诚期待你的加入。
Can-Achieve International Education Ltd. We are a premier education marketing and student recruitment company. Every year we send approximately 4000 students to Canada. With the opening of our Vancouver office, we are now looking for an online English teacher to provide better services to our students. |
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