招聘 | |
语言偏好: | 普通话,英语; |
公司名称: | Watson Enterprises Inc.; |
公司所在行业: | 零售 仓储 物流 - 贸易 | 采购 | 批发; |
公司规模: | 30 - 99 (人); |
职位类型: | 永久; |
工作时间: | 全职; |
详情描述 Job Title: Accounting clerk Responsibilities: 1. Calculate, prepare, and issue documents related to accounts such as bills, invoices, inventory reports, account statements, and other financial statements using accounting systems. 2. Calculate costs of materials, overhead and other expenses based on estimates, quotations, and price lists. 3. Respond to sales or customer inquiries, maintain good customer relations, and solve problems. 4. Perform related clerical duties, such as word processing, maintaining filing and record systems, faxing, and photocopying. 5. Full cycle bookkeeping (accounts payable, accounts receivable, invoice processing, adjusting journal entries, payment processing). 6. Other duties as assigned.
Qualifications and skills 1. Certificate/Diploma in Accounting or equivalent experience. 2. Experience working with QuickBooks, and Sage 50. 3. Familiarity with Microsoft Office suite. 4. Read, write, listen, and speak in English; Chinese speaking is required. 5. Minimum 2 years of proven work experience in accounting.
有意者请发简历至: 有意请联系:(604) 376-2588 |
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