This saturday, BCIT is open for us, please reply
Hi, everyone, I'm 大脚熊. At work, can't write chinese. I'm not hybernating, just don't have internet connection at home (new place) and at work. And very busy settling down at my new apartment with my new kid. Please understand.
I have called BCIT gym. It's open for dropin, for sure.
The time is 2:00-4:30PM on saturday.
There are 3 courts for volleyball.
Normally only one court is used.
So we can use two courts, one for advanced, the other for creational players.
The gym is huge. Even in the event we have not enough spot for everyone. we can always have enough room for practicing basic skills like bumping and passing, to each other or to the wall. Very nice.
Please reply if you want to come.
Don't be late. Otherwise the value of your fee will be compromised. You don't want to do that, do you?[color=crimson]文字[/color][size=5]文字[/size][font=黑体]文字[/font][font=宋体]文字[/font][size=5]文字[/size][color=crimson]文字[/color]