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3月7号上午快11点钟的时候,在“领英(Linkin)”的对话框里,我收到华裔作家Edward Ho的短信:


我是"Yut Di - One Earth"的作者,这是一本关于中国早期北美移民的历史小说。中国移民对加拿大和美国的贡献几乎完全被历史学家所忽视。广大群众没有认识到,没有中国早期移民,就没有今天的加拿大,加拿大可能会是美国的一部分。此外,没有中国劳工的参与,美国西部绝无可能发展成今天这样的水平。尽管我的这本书是一部历史小说,但是书中的历史资料都是有案可查的历史史实。故事的场景选在大不列颠哥伦比亚省的首府维多利亚市,但是,主人公们邂逅几位美国加利福利亚居民的故事,触及到美国历史柔软的下腹。以华人的视角讲述早期中国移民的故事,我希望人们能够改变对华人的印象,加深他们对华人为加拿大和美国所作贡献的了解。




  • I'm the author of "Yut Di - One Earth", a historical fiction about the early Chinese immigrants to North America. The contribution of the Chinese to Canada & the USA has been almost completely ignored by historians. What the masses do not realize is that "Without the Chinese, Canada would not exist, it would be part of the USA. In addition, the western half of USA would have never developed to its present level without Chinese labor.” Although my book is a historical fiction, all the historical data in my book is factual. The main setting is Victoria, British Columbia but the protagonists encounter several residents in California who reveal the under-belly of American history. By relating the past from a Chinese perspective, I hope to modify what people think of the Chinese & our contribution to Canada & the USA.
  • The main reason for writing my book is to create understanding & mend historical misconceptions. Without the truth, we are all victims of historical biases, lies, & omissions.

10:42 AM




Edward Ho先生告诉我,在他的“人物简介”中,可以读到前言和第一章。图书馆现在暂时还没有这本书的藏书可以借阅。这本书的电子版本可以在Amazon, Kobo,  Smashword, Kindle上购买下载,价格比纸质版图书便宜好几倍。




  • Charles Zhu sent the following messages at 11:44 AM 

  • Can I find your book in a library? I would like to read it.

11:46 AM


  • Edward Ho sent the following message at 12:20 PM
  • Thanks for your interest, Charles. The Prologue & Chapter one of my book is in my profile. Unless you reside in Victoria, BC, as far as I know no libraries have my book on hand yet. My book is available on Amazon, Kobo, Smashword, Kindle, etc. etc.. If you request your library to acquire one, they probably will. I hope that you find my posts enlightening. Best regards, Ed

12:20 PM
  • Charles Zhu sent the following message at 4:37 PM


  • Thanks

4:37 PM
  • Monday 
Edward Ho sent the following message at 8:44 AM


  •  Thank you for your support, History can be a powerful learning tool if it is honest, truthful & unbiased. Unfortunately, every national government creates or adopts its own version of historical truth. They omit atrocities, enhance victories, transfer blame & change facts & figures to inspire nationalism to manipulate their population. However, the more people that know & understand the truth increases the possibility for peace & lessens the chance of war. . Take care, Ed

8:44 AM
  • Charles Zhu sent the following message at 9:42 AM


Hi, Edward, I like to read your articles and your book. We should do whatever we can to allow for the whole world to know the truth of history in spite of any manipulation of the governments all over the world.
  • I will continue to read your articles and your book.
  • Good luck for this summer.
  • Charles

9:42 AM


  • Edward Ho sent the following message at 9:48 AM


  • we are living at a very dangerous time in history - the insane are running the asylum. Please forward my articles that you deem relevant to whomever you think might listen. Best regards, Ed

9:48 AM
  • Charles Zhu sent the following messages at 10:05 AM 

  • I will post your articles in my wechat groups.

10:07 AM
  • Edward Ho sent the following message at 10:26 AM


  • Thanks Charles.

10:26 AM 
Edward Ho



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