
坠入爱河 —— Falling in Love

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“How are you today, Janice? I asked.

“Great!” she said. “I’ve never been better in my life. I’m getting married!”

“You are?” I said, revealing my shock. “To whom and when?”

“To David Gallespie,” she exclaimed, “in September.”

“That’s exciting. How long have you been dating?”

“Three weeks. I know it’s crazy. Dr. Chapman, after all the people I have dated and the number of times I came so close to getting married. I can’t believe it myself, but I know David is the one for me. From the first date, we both knew it. Of course, we didn’t talk about it on the first night, but one week later, he asked me to marry him. I knew he was going to ask me, and I knew I was going to say yes. I have never felt this way before, Dr. Chapman. You know about the relationships that I have had through the years and the struggles I have had. In every relationship, something was not right. I never felt at peace about marrying any of them, but I know that David is the right one.”


By this time, Janice was rocking back and forth in her chair, giggling and saying,“I know it’s crazy, but I am so happy. I have never been this happy in my life.”


What has happened to Janice? She has fallen in love. In her mind, David is the most wonderful man she has ever met. He is perfect in every way. He will make the ideal husband. She thinks about him day and night. The facts that David has been married twice before, has three children, and has had three jobs in the past year are trivial to Janice. She’s happy, and she is convinced that she is going to be happy forever with David. She is in love.



这是美国爱情婚姻咨询专家Dr.Gary Chapman的著作《五种爱的语言》中的第三章《坠入爱河》(Falling in Love)中的一段叙述。我把这一段转发给正在热恋中的情侣们,也推荐这本《五种爱的语言》( The Five Love Languages )给大家阅读,或许对于恋爱和婚姻中的男女有些助益。







如果有哪位华人朋友有兴趣写一本爱情婚姻咨询方面的著作,展现中华文化的人生智慧,我相信,西人朋友对这本书也会像对待Chapman博士的《五种爱的语言》( The Five Love Languages ) 一样,爱不释手。




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发布者: 游客     
谁坠河了? - 赶紧去捞   6年前
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要先检查,不要动不动送医院 - 不能送错地方还浪费医疗资源 (回复:晚了出大事)   6年前
捞起来赶快送UBC或SFU的医院去 - 晚了出大事   6年前
I'm proud of you--my old class - 游客   6年前
I'm proud of you--my old classmate.
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Thank you, my buddy. Once classmates, always - close friends.   6年前