想要找暑期打工的各位同學注意了,我們的藍莓園(Pitt Meadow)目前正在招募非勞動密集型人手: 包括前台,包裝,還有藍莓摘採 等等。時薪以$13 起跳 (或是$0.5/lb採藍莓)。預期六月中開始上班! 有興趣的請跟我聯絡 歡迎致電或發簡訊到 778-886-9237。
Our blueberry farm in Pitt Meadow is currently looking to hire for non-labour intensive workers, such as front desk, packaging, and blueberry pickers. We are expecting the start date in mid-June with an hourly wage of $13 or $0.5/lb for blue berry picking. Please contact me via phone or sms @ 778-886-9237 if interested.
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