最新消息,当地警方表示,和大温地区三起共济会寺堂系列纵火案有关的嫌疑人被捕。 温哥华警方于今天下午1点后不久发表声明,称一名42岁的男子在本那比被捕。
#VPDNews: Vancouver Police arrested a suspect in Burnaby this morning in relation to a series of arsons that occurred today in North Vancouver and Vancouver. https://t.co/I425oVQ1WF pic.twitter.com/yagReNrjoj
— Vancouver Police (@VancouverPD) March 30, 2021
警方正建议对其提起纵火控罪。 监控视频拍到一名男子在事发现场拎着汽油桶。 今天早上北温两处共济会所在地发生大火之后,温哥华警方也确认正在处理Rupert街和East 29th Avenue一起和共济会所在地有关的纵火案。
Sgt. DeVries will be available at Lonsdale Ave. and 12th St W at 10:30 a.m. to speak about the fires that occurred this morning in #NorthVancouver https://t.co/eSkiAXSr0o
— North Vancouver RCMP (@nvanrcmp) March 30, 2021
根据警方公布的最新消息,今天早上,位于北温繁忙街道朗斯代尔大街(Lonsdale Avenue)的旅馆 Lynn Valley Lodge发生大火。 网上照片显示现场浓烟滚滚,窜出的烟雾比旁边的16层公寓还高。
View of the fire at 12th and Lonsdale in North Vancouver from a neighboring building. (Courtesy Justin de Genova)We’re hearing it’s the Masonic temple.Another fire in Lynn Valley is also apparently at a Masonic temple.Working to confirm. pic.twitter.com/o12J8OdPvY
— Mike Lloyd (@llikemoyd) March 30, 2021