由于卑诗水电公司 (BC Hydro) 要进行线路维修和更换工作,本周列治文的几个社区将会暂时失去电力。
根据 BC Hydro 网站介绍,该公司计划定期停电以对需要断电的设备或电线进行维修。
BC Hydro 网站称:「透过规划停电并做好必要的维修工作,工作人员可以防止将来因意外或故障而发生的紧急停电情况。」
3 月 16 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
- 11611, 11631, 11671, 11751 and 11911 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 17 日上午 8 点至下午 4 点
- Russ Baker Wy/gilbert, Russ Baker Way
- 7771 to 7771 Alderbridge Way
- 5399 to 5399 Cedarbridge Way
- Alderbridge Way at Cedarbridge Way traffic light
- Gilbert Road at Lansdowne Road traffic light
3 月 17 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
- Units 8 to 13 at 11671 Mellis Dr.
- Units 1 to 33 at 11888 Mellis Dr.
- 4460, 4500, 4520, 4531, 4540, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4591, 4600, 4611, 4620, 4631, 4651, 4671, 4691, 4711, 4731 and 4751 Dallyn Rd.
- 4471, 4480, 4491, 4511, 4531, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4580, 4591, 4611, 4631, 4651, 4653, 4660, 4671 and 4691 Danforth Dr.
- 4231, 4240, 4260, 4271 and 4280 Deerfield Cres.
- 11651 Dewsbury Dr.
- 4460, 4500, 4520, 4531, 4540, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4591, 4600, 4611, 4620, 4631, 4651, 4671, 4691, 4711, 4731 and 4751 Dallyn Rd.
- 4471, 4480, 4491, 4511, 4531, 4551, 4560, 4571, 4580, 4591, 4611, 4631, 4651, 4653, 4660, 4671 and 4691 Danforth Dr.
- 4231, 4240, 4260, 4271 and 4280 Deerfield Cres.
- 11651 Dewsbury Dr.
- 8431 to 8560 Rosebank Cres.
- 8411 to 8580 Rosehill Dr.
- 10851 to 10974 Roseland Gate.
- 8520 to 8560 Rosemary Ave.
3 月 18 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
- 2320 No 4 Rd.
- 10071, 10120, 10126, 10128, 10140, 10146 Finlayson Dr.
- 10080, 10086, 10088 Gilmore Cres.
- 9200 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 19 日上午 9 点至下午 4 点
- 8400, 8555, 8633, 8677 Capstan Way
- 8608 Hazelbridge Way
- Hazelbridge Way traffic light at Sexsmith Rd.
- 3300, 3500, 3531, 3580 No 3 Rd.
- 3340 Sexsmith Rd.
- Units 1 to 7, 19, 20 at 11671 Cambie Rd.
- 12231 Bridgeport Rd.
3 月 20 日上午 8 点至下午 4 点
- 8080 to 8291 Park Rd.
- 6591 and 6733 Buswell St.
- 6760 and 6780, 6800 No. 3 Rd.
3 月 21 日上午 9 点至下午 5 点
- 10500, 10566, 10640, 10644, 10660, 10680, 10700, 10720 and 11000 Railway Ave.
- 5988 Kittiwake Dr.
- 6079 Monteith Rd.
- 11800, 11871, 11891, 11911, 11931, 11951, 11971, 11991 and 12031 No. 2 Rd.
- 8360, 8371 Osgoode Dr.
- 8611 Osgoode Pl.
3月22日上午 9 点至下午5点
- Units 101 to 314 at 4888 Vanguard Rd.
- Units 101 to 314 at 4899 Vanguard Rd.
- 13020 to 13260 Delf Pl.
- 4460 to 4711 Jacombs Rd.
- 13040 to 13268 Worster Crt.